JAN 27 – FEB 19, 2023
by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee
Directed by Peter Wolfe and Lorin Torbitt
Tennessee schoolteacher Bertram Cates is on trial for violating the Butler Act, a state law prohibiting public school teachers from teaching evolution instead of creationism. Drawing intense national attention in the media with writer E. K. Hornbeck reporting, two of the nation’s leading lawyers go head-to-head: Matthew Harrison Brady for the prosecution and Henry Drummond for the defense.
The dramatized account of the 1925 Scopes “Monkey” Trial which resulted in John T. Scopes’conviction for teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to a high school science class, contrary to a Tennessee state law.
Inherit the Wind ran for 13 performances
EK Hornbeck …,,,,,,,,,,,,Tom Loeprich
Bertram Cates…………..Josh Chavez
Tom Davenport………….Malcolm Hoag
Matthew Brady…………..Michael Frenn
Mrs. Brady…………………Kathleen Mini
Henry Drummand……….David Zarka
Judge………………………..Robert Steel
Mayor………………………..Frank Mosbacher
Townspeople………………Kimberly Allen, Charlotte Loeprich, Jak Hall, Jan LePouvior, Lisa Bertram, Holly Salvestrin,
Howard………………………Giuseppe Sticca
Jurors………………………..Paul Sobelman, John LePouvior
Reporter…………………….Diana Granger
Bailiff Meeker……………..Karen Wolfe

Stage Manager……………..Maureen Dodson
Set Design……………………Peter Wolfe
Scenic Painting……………..Karen Wolfe
Costumes…………………….Lisa Bertram
Lighting………………………..Scott Bertram